Friday, January 23, 2015

How to Reset Repair & Re install Windows & & Later

How to Reset Repair & Re install Windows & & Later 

How to Use "Reset PC" Option in Windows 8 and Later
Reset PC option, simple steps given below:-

1. Move your mouse cursor to top-right corner to show Charms Bar. Alternatively, you can press Win+C keys together to access it.

2. Now click on Settings and then click on "Change PC settings" option.

3. It'll open new Metro Control Panel screen.

For Windows 8 Users:
Click on "General" tab and in right-side pane, you'll see "Remove everything and reinstall Windows" option.

For Windows 8.1 and Later Users:

Click on "Update and recovery" and then "Recovery" tab and in right-side pane, you'll see "Remove everything and reinstall Windows" option.

4. Click on Get started Button 

5. Go though instruction given on screen and your Windows computer will reset to default settings
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