Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to Add Your Name in Right Click Panel

How to Add Your Name in Right Click Panel 

Add an Image in Desktop/Explorer Context Menu in Windows XP

1. First download following ZIP file and extract the DLL file from it:

1. Download
 Click here to Download

2. Now register the DLL file by giving following command:

regsvr32 < DLL_File_Location >

i.e., if you saved the DLL file in D:\Image.dll, then give following command:

regsvr32 d:\Image.dll

3. That's it. You'll get the image in context menu.

4. To remove the image simply un-register the DLL file by giving following command:

regsvr32 < DLL_File_Location > /u

NOTE: If you want to change the image, edit the file using Resource Hacker and change the image in the file. You can add any BMP file (max size 96x96).

PS: I got this DLL file in some magazine CD, if anyone knows the person behind this DLL file, please let me know and I'll provide proper credits to him.
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