Monday, January 12, 2015

Desktop Wallpaper Setting

How to set Changing Desktop Wallpaper for all Systems 

1. Type regedit in RUN dialog box or Start menu Search box and press Enter. It'll open registry Editor.

2.  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies

3. Under "Policies" key, create a new key "System". It might already exist in some systems.

4. Now select "System" key and in right-side pane, create a new STRING value Wallpaper and set its value to the exact path of your desired wallpaper. You can use .JPG and .BMP files in this method.

e.g. if your wallpaper exists in "E:\Wallpapers\Wall1.JPG", then set the same path as value of "Wallpaper".

5.You can also set the wallpaper style e.g. Centered, Tiled or Stretched. Create a new STRING value WallpaperStyle and set its value to as following:
  • 0(Centered)
  • 1(Tiled)
  • 2(Stretched)

6. That's it. Now restart or log off your system and no one will be able to change the wallpaper.

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